Gear Reviews

Colorado Bikepacking Trails – A Bikepackers Dreamland
Colorado Bikepacking Trails – A Bikepackers Dreamland Colorado bikepacking trails are some of the best trails on the planet. Almost every cyclist, mountain biker, and

2021 Trek Marlin 7 – A Weekend Bikepacking Warrior
2021 Trek Marlin 7 The 2021 Trek Marlin 7 is an immensely popular bike in the Trek lineup. The 2021 Trek Marlin 7 is among

Salsa Anything Cradle Buyers and User Guide
If you have a hard time keeping your cables from crowding or kinking with your current handlebar bag setup, the Salsa Anything Cradle just might

2021 Kona Sutra LTD | The Ultimate Gravel Bike?
The 2021 Kona Sutra LTD is what you get when you merge a road bike with a hardtail mountain bike. But whats changed for the

Tony’s Custom J.Laverack | Readers Rides
I live in Oxfordshire in the UK. I rode a number of organized events when I was in my teens but stopped cycling when I

2020 Kona Sutra LTD Review | n=1
If you’re looking for the perfect gravel bike the 2020 Kona Sutra LTD just might be all you need to break the boredom. It’s one

Ortlieb Bikepacking Bags Review | The Absolute BEST Bikepacking Bags?
Ortlieb Bikepacking Bags If you love going for long distance adventurer trips and packing everything in your bike, you probably know the importance of having

2021 Surly Disc Trucker Review | Their best yet or a step backwards?
Surly introduced the Long Haul Trucker way back in 2007 and has been a favorite among the bike touring community since then. But in 2012

Best Front Bike Racks For Bikepacking & Touring | The BIG list!
The best front bike rack for bikepacking and touring will offer an extra mounting place for gear while being very reliable. It’s usually a secondary

Rear Bike Rack for Bikepacking and Bike Touring | The BIG List!
If you are in the market for a rear bike rack you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for a rear bike rack